Do You Like the Person You’re Becoming?

Ryan Owens
2 min readOct 12, 2021

We’re all becoming somebody…

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Every day brings small decisions. We subconsciously fall into the same habits, big or small. We grab that same coffee cup, sit in the same chair and go about our morning routine, most of us without much thought or intention.

Our day unfolds before us. We generally show up to work at the same time. Interact with the same coworkers and engage in the same conversations. Again, without much thought or intention.

Life can slip away, if we’re not careful.

If we’re not careful to plan our intentions for our mornings, for our days, commutes, relationships, finances, careers, faith and all things life…

we risk life happening to us and not for us.

If we’re not intentional, we begin each day aimless, reacting to what it brings rather than creating my own script and making time for things that matter most or will have the most impact on my life and the lives around me.

We’re all becoming somebody.

Our daily decisions, habits, and the people we surround ourselves with are shaping the person we are becoming, and who we currently are. Do you frequently reflect on the person you’re becoming? I don’t. I’m sure most of you reading this haven’t either.

Taking the time reflect on where we currently are and where we’re headed is critical. Being intentional about our time and our days leads to more fulfillment, better choices and stronger relationships.

Instead of waking up each morning, reaching for that same coffee cup and turning on Sports Center, spend a few minutes setting the intention for your day.

Who are you becoming?



Ryan Owens

I’m an Educator, Writer and Advocate for Entrepreneurship in Schools. I write about teaching, learning and business.